Jaarverslag VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer 2023
Nederlands, 186 pages, 18 MB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2024 -
Gerard Westerhuis
Boerenzwaluw Journaal 14 Friesland 2024
Nederlands, 110 pages, 6 MB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2024 -
Jan de Jong
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 7 - dec 2024
Nederlands, 9 pages, 2 MB
2024 -
Hans Schekkerman, Hugo Wieleman en Gerard Troost
Bilan migration montagne de la Folie 2023
Français, 30 pages, 4 MB
Montagne de la Folie, Bouzeron (71) - France
2024 -
Claire Ory - LPO Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Bilan 2023 du suivi des oiseaux migrateurs à Eyne (66)
Français, 116 pages, 14 MB
Cerdagne - Eyne - France
2024 -
Yves Dubois & le Collectif Eyne
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2023
Nederlands, 33 pages, 3 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2024 -
Vincent van der Spek, Rinse van der Vliet, Els van Muiswinkel - Vrs Meijendel
2023 year report for Vrs Meijendel, the Netherlands. In Dutch, but with English summary.
Bilan suivi de la migration au Col de l'Escrinet 2023
Français, 32 pages, 3 MB
Col de l'Escrinet, Ardèche (07) - France
2024 -
Louis Félix LPO AURA
Jaarverslag 2023 VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer
Nederlands, 186 pages, 18 MB
Sint Annaparochie, Brandsmalaan - Netherlands
2024 -
Gerard Westerhuis
Jaarverslag VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer 2022
Nederlands, 96 pages, 12 MB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2024 -
Jan de Jong - VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer
Najaarstrek Kwintelooijen 2023
Nederlands, 4 pages, 190 kB
Kwintelooijen (bij Veenendaal) - Netherlands
2023 -
Jan Verboom
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 6 - dec 2023
Nederlands, 7 pages, 1 MB
2023 -
Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Troost
Protocol for seawatch counts in the Netherlands
English, 8 pages, 1 MB
2023 -
Schekkerman H. & Troost G.
English translation of the Dutch Seawatch protocol. This protocol largely continues the methodology introduced by the CvZ since 1972, with some minor amendments, explanations and tips for observers. This also makes it useful as an introduction/manual for new counters. The protocol is divided into six themes: Location and time, Equipment, Counting method general, Counting method specifics, Identification and registration, and Data entry. Concise instructions are given for each theme, with explanation, motivation and/or tips.
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 5 - jun 2023
Nederlands, 7 pages, 417 kB
2023 -
Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Troost
Diurnal broad-front migration over the Creuse (23, France) in autumn 2022
English, 35 pages, 2 MB
Sallandrouze, Saint-Maurice-prés-Crocq (23) - France
2023 -
Rob Lensink - report
Summary of daily counts of diurnal migrants between 16th September and 14th November 2022. Counts started half an hour before sunrise and lasted on average 8 hours. In the results a summary is given of the timing of migration in the season, the timing during the day, the direction of migration, the height distribution of migrants en aspects of flight behaviour. Results focus on short-distance migrants since after 16th Spember only the last long distance migrants were seen. Methods in the field and to summarize the data are simmilar to those develloped in the Netherlands.
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2022
Nederlands, 27 pages, 3 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2023 -
V van der Spek, R van der Vliet, M Verrips & E van Muiswinkel
Year report of the ringing site in Meijendel, Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands. In Dutch, but with English summary on page 3.
Jaarverslag Vrs Meijendel 2021
Nederlands, 42 pages, 4 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2023 -
Vincent van der Spek, R. van der Vliet, M. Verrips, E. van Muiswinkel
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 4 - dec 2022
Nederlands, 14 pages, 744 kB
2022 -
Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Troost
Suivi acoustique de la migration nocturne à l'automne 2020 en Vendée, France
Français, 27 pages, 17 MB
Saint Vincent sur Jard, Vendée (nocturnal flight calls) - France
2022 -
PIRIO M. - La Gorgebleue 2.0. 021-FV2022, 27p.
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 3 - sept. 2022
Nederlands, 8 pages, 741 kB
2022 -
Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Troost
Ehden Raptor Count - Report Autumn 2021
English, 43 pages, 6 MB
Ehden Raptor Count - ABCL & LBWT - Lebanon
2022 -
Ehden Raptor Count
ABCL and LBWT with support from the relevant authorities initiated a bird migration observation point in the autumn of 2020, and had 8 days of counting, this autumn and for the second year we extended the period for a full month, the focus of the count was birds of prey.
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2021 (ingekorte versie)
Nederlands, 12 pages, 1 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2022 -
Vincent van der Spek, Rinse van der Vliet, Els van Muiswinkel (red)
Jaarverslag 2021 Ringonderzoek Ringstation Rohel Friesland
Nederlands, 102 pages, 9 MB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2021 -
Jan de Jong
Fitis vangsten dramatisch gekelderd in 2021 op Ringstation Rohel
Nederlands, 5 pages, 392 kB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2021 -
Jan de Jong
Guide de détermination de l’âge et du sexe des canards
Français, 128 pages, 8 MB
Vijfhoek Diemen - Netherlands
2021 -
Frans JachtBureau
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 2 sept. 2021
Nederlands, 7 pages, 760 kB
2021 -
Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Troost en Chris van Turnhout
American English, 12 pages, 222 kB
Cayuga South (NY) - United States
2021 -
William R. Evans - The Kingbird
A recap of 2020 fall migration morning flight observations of passerines made from the Cayuga South migration watch site in central New York State, USA, North America.
Autumn visible migration at Tweseldown, Hampshire 2005-2020
English, 39 pages, 3 MB
Tweseldown (Hampshire, England) - United Kingdom
2021 -
Graham Stephenson
Summary of visible migration counts at Tweseldown, Hampshire, UK 2005-2020 based on data held on Trektellen.
Weather versus bird numbers observed on active migration at Põõsaspea neem, Estonia
English, 27 pages, 7 MB
Põõsaspea neem - Estonia
2021 -
Antero Lindholm - Caluta 12
Ringonderzoek aan rietzangers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) langs de noordoever van het Tjeukemeer bij Rohel
Nederlands, 8 pages, 541 kB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2021 -
Jan de Jong - TWIRRE, Natuur in Fryslân, jaargang 23, 2013, nummer 1
35 jaar ringonderzoek aan Kleine karekieten (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) langs de noordoever van het Tjeukemeer bij Rohel
Nederlands, 11 pages, 535 kB
VRS Rohel Tjeukemeer - Netherlands
2021 -
Jan de Jong - TWIRRE natuur in Fryslân jaargang 31, 2021, nummer 1
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2020
Nederlands, 42 pages, 4 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2021 -
Vincent van der Spek, Rinse van der Vliet, Maarten Verrips
Mass-migrating bumblebees
English, 7 pages, 802 kB
2021 -
Thijs P. M. Fijen - Journal of Applied Ecology 2021;58:274–280.
An overlooked phenomenon with
potential far-reaching implications for bumblebee conservation
Over lerende machines en trekkende vogels
Nederlands, 29 pages, 968 kB
2021 -
Gerwin Kuijntjes, André Vis, Lauren Zwemer - Profielwerkstuk 6 vwo
In this research daily species total, from the online database of between 1999 and 2019 from specific migration sites, are used to develop a, as accurate as possible, forecast of bird migration based on data on wind direction, wind speed, precipitation and temperature retrieved from KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute). A model based on an Artificial Neural Network was constructed. Analyses of the model revealed an accuracy of 34.7%. Therefore, we conclude that our model can be used to indicate the bird migration on species level, but not an accurate forecast. (Research is in Dutch, but code available)
Nieuwsbrief zeetrektellingen nr 1 jan 2021
Nederlands, 5 pages, 890 kB
2021 -
Hans Schekkerman, Gerard Troost en Chris van Turnhout
Newsletter for the Dutch seawatch sites
Van kompas tot GPS. Oriëntatie en navigatie door trekvogels.
Nederlands, 8 pages, 503 kB
2020 -
Wouter Vansteelant - Natuur.oriolus 86(1): 16-23
This article is the Dutch translation of the article Vansteelant (2019) published in BTO News.
Batumi Raptor Count: van roofvogeltrek monitoren tot actieve bescherming langs een trekroute vol bedreigingen
Nederlands, 19 pages, 2 MB
Batumi - Sakhalvasho - Georgia
2020 -
Bart Hoekstra, Johannes Jansen, Dries Engelen, Folkert de Boer, Rafa Benjumea, Jasper Wehrmann, Simon Cavaillès, Triin Kaasiku, Diego Jansen, Pia Fetting, Aki Antila, Wim Bovens, Olivier Dochy & Wouter M.G. Vansteelant - Natuur.oriolus 86(3) pag 85-103
This is the Dutch translation of the article that was published in British Birds (vol. 113: 439-460).
Historie De Vulkaan
Nederlands, 5 pages, 1 MB
De Vulkaan (Den Haag) - Netherlands
2020 -
Martin Lok
Boreal Finch Flight Directions in Central New York during the Irruption of 2020
American English, 5 pages, 118 kB
Cayuga South (NY) - United States
2020 -
Bill Evans
A report on flight directions and numbers of boreal finches logged in morning flight at the Cayuga South migration watch site in central New York State USA during the great finch irruption of 2020. Originally published Nov 30, 2020 as a blog on
Zeetrektellingen ingezet voor trendberekeningen van zeevogels
Nederlands, 2 pages, 1 MB
2020 -
Menno Hornman & Hans Schekkerman (Sovon), Gerard Troost ( & Leo Soldaat (CBS) - Sovon-Nieuws jaargang 33 (2020) nr 3 — Store, share and compare migration data
English, 10 pages, 1012 kB
2020 -
Gerard Troost, Arjan Boele - Bird Census News 2019, 32/1–2: 17–26
Counting migrating birds is fascinating and this is why visible migration counts, seawatch counts and nocturnal flight call monitoring are popular.
Making and keeping your results available in a standardized way for research and conservation can be time consuming but it is not when you add your counts to the database of Trektellen, either at your computer or directly in the field on an app.
Najaarsfenologie van zichtbare zangvogeltrek over Nederland 2005-2015
Nederlands, 2 pages, 291 kB
2020 - -
Zeetrek langs Huisduinen door de jaren heen
Nederlands, 11 pages, 653 kB
Huisduinen (zeetrek) - Netherlands
2020 -
Kees Rebel
Overland migration of Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea through Scarborough, N Yorks, England in spring 2020
English, 10 pages, 961 kB
2020 -
Nick Addey
This paper describes an unusually large overland passage of Arctic Terns in N Yorkshire in late April 2020. The birds were seen heading out to sea at coastal locations having come across land, presumably from the west coast of the UK. Weather conditions and historical records are given and the possible overland routes taken by the birds are discussed.
Protocol per al monitoratge estandarditzat de vocalitzacions nocturnes en vol
Catalan, 9 pages, 1 MB
2020 -
Simon Gillings (BTO), Nick Moran (BTO), Magnus Robb (The Sound Approach), Joost van Bruggen (Sovon), Gerard Troost (Trektellen)
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2019
Nederlands, 34 pages, 3 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2020 -
Vincent van der Spek, Rinse van der Vliet & Maarten Verrips
Flight calls of crossbills migrating over a southern Pennine watchpoint in autumn 2019.
English, 7 pages, 402 kB
Harden, Penistone (S Yorks, England) - United Kingdom
2020 -
D.H. Pennington
Flight calls of migrating crossbills were recorded as they passed over Harden, a moorland watchpoint in the south Pennines of England, in autumn 2019. Four call types matching the classification of Martin et al. (2019) were recorded: N4, N6, N8 and N11. Two individual call-types could not be identified. The number of crossbills passing over the site in 2019 (only 14) was lower than in previous years, but the diversity of call types was higher.
Ringed Soprano Pipistrelles
English, 1 page, 376 kB
Pape - bats - Latvia
2019 -
Bat Research Society of Latvia - Eurobats
Notes on visible migration and sound recording
English, 4 pages, 616 kB
Harden, Penistone (S Yorks, England) - United Kingdom
2019 -
Dave Pennington
Notes on sound recording equipment and methods used at an upland visible migration watch point in the UK.
Extreme passage Oeverzwaluw langs trektelpost Dordtse Biesbosch nazomer 2019
Nederlands, 49 pages, 2 MB
Dordtse Biesbosch - Netherlands
2019 -
Nijs Stam
Leucate migration monitoring report 2019
English, 9 pages, 1 MB
Falaise de Leucate - Leucate (11) - France
2019 -
Sébastien Roques
Leucate migration monitoring report 2018
English, 10 pages, 758 kB
Falaise de Leucate - Leucate (11) - France
2019 -
Sébastien Roques
Vogeltrektelpost Dordtse Biesbosch 2003-2018 – deel I
Nederlands, 88 pages, 7 MB
Dordtse Biesbosch - Netherlands
2019 -
Nijs Stam
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2018
Nederlands, 50 pages, 4 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2019 -
Vincent van der Spek, Rinse van der Vliet, Maarten Verrips, Cornelis Fokker
De Vulkaan najaar 2018
Nederlands, 10 pages, 821 kB
De Vulkaan (Den Haag) - Netherlands
2019 -
Rob Berkelder
Protocol for standardized nocturnal flight call monitoring
English, 8 pages, 2 MB
2018 -
Simon Gillings (BTO), Nick Moran (BTO), Magnus Robb (The Sound Approach), Joost van Bruggen (Sovon), Gerard Troost (Trektellen)
Recording nocturnal flight calls and logging the intensity of movement and species composition at different locations will provide valuable data for understanding bird movements at scales ranging from individual sites to continent-wide.
De Vulkaan voorjaar 2018
Nederlands, 11 pages, 1 MB
De Vulkaan (Den Haag) - Netherlands
2018 -
Rob Berkelder
New Trektellen dataentry pages
English, 2 pages, 1 MB
2018 -
Gerard Troost
New Trektellen dataentry pages
De Vulkaan 2017
Nederlands, 9 pages, 1 MB
De Vulkaan (Den Haag) - Netherlands
2018 -
Rob Berkelder
Exceptional high numbers of Great White Egret (Ardea Alba) and Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) - article in Dutch
Oostenwind of westenwind?
Nederlands, 27 pages, 2 MB
Hazewater (Amersfoort) - Netherlands
2018 -
Marc Dijksterhuis
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 30 september 2017
Nederlands, 23 pages, 1 MB
2017 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Finding Migrant Hawfinches
English, 5 pages, 425 kB
2017 -
Mick Cunningham
Check the Redwing Flocks!
Lepelaars en Grote Gele Kwikstaarten langs De Vulkaan najaar 2016
Nederlands, 4 pages, 219 kB
De Vulkaan (Den Haag) - Netherlands
2017 -
Rob Berkelder
Unequaled migraction of Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) and Grey Wagtails (Motacilla cinerea) along De Vulkaan (The Hague, The Netherlands), autumn 2016
Trektellingen in Nederland in 2016 (Jaarverslag
Nederlands, 42 pages, 2 MB
2017 -
Hustings F., Troost G. & Boele A.
This article offers a chronological overview of the autumn migration over the Netherlands in 2016
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2017
Nederlands, 34 pages, 2 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2017 -
V. van der Spek, R. van der Vliet, M Verrips, C. Fokker
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 1 oktober 2016
Nederlands, 22 pages, 911 kB
2016 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Meadow Pipits everywhere!
Trektellingen in Nederland in 2015 (Jaarverslag
Nederlands, 43 pages, 2 MB
2016 -
Hustings F., Troost G. & Boele A.
This article offers a chronological overview of the autumn migration over the Netherlands in 2015
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2016
Nederlands, 29 pages, 3 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2016 -
V. van der Spek, M. Verrips, R. van der Vliet
Timing changes in 37 common autumn migrants
English, 53 pages, 2 MB
2015 -
Mark van Leeuwen - School research project
Are there timing differences in autumn bird migration over the Netherlands between the periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2014.
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 3 oktober 2015
Nederlands, 27 pages, 1 MB
2015 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Ortolanen op trek
Nederlands, 2 pages, 607 kB
2015 -
Arjan Boele & Erik van Winden - Sovon-Nieuws jaargang 28 (2015) nr 3
La migration des oiseaux sur le littoral du Pas-de-Calais
Français, 103 pages, 27 MB
2015 -
Caloin F. (ed.) - Cap Ornis Baguage, Station ornithologique du cap Gris-Nez, GON, PNR Caps et Marais d’Opale
An Overview of Migrant Marine and Coastal Birds in Pas-de-Calais
English, 206 pages, 19 MB
2015 -
Caloin F. (ed.) - Cap Ornis Baguage, Station ornithologique du cap Gris-Nez, GON, PNR Caps et Marais d’Opale
Synthesis and Analysis of Recent Data. 204 p
Trektellingen in Nederland in 2014 (Jaarverslag
Nederlands, 37 pages, 2 MB
2015 -
Hustings F., Troost G. & Boele A.
This article offers a chronological overview of the autumn migration over the Netherlands in 2014
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2015
Nederlands, 43 pages, 5 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2015 -
V. van der Spek, M. Verrips, R. van der Vliet
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 4 oktober 2014
Nederlands, 26 pages, 1 MB
2014 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Understanding visible migration - Part 3
English, 13 pages, 891 kB
2014 -
Clive R McKay - BirdWatch
Understanding visible migration - Part 2
English, 13 pages, 873 kB
2014 -
Clive R Mckay - BirdWatch
Recordaantallen Wespendieven over de Lage Landen in augustus-september 2013
Nederlands, 8 pages, 726 kB
2014 -
Emmanuel Desmet & Wouter Vansteelant - Natuur.oriolus 80(3): 83-90
Record numbers of Honey Buzzards over the Low Countries in
August-September 2013
During August and September 2013, two large waves of Honey
Buzzards Pernis apivorus flew over the Low Countries. The first wave,
on 25 and 26 August was observed in the Netherlands and mid Belgium
in numbers which are exceptional for this region (max 746 individuals
over Bichterweerd). The cause for the so far westerly shift of the migration
corridor, which under normal circumstances runs to the east of the
Low Countries, is a typical weather pattern.
Understanding visible migration - Part 1
English, 14 pages, 1 MB
2014 -
Clive R McKay - Birdwatch
Tien miljoen vogels in tienduizend uren
Nederlands, 234 pages, 16 MB
Breskens - Netherlands
2014 -
Telgroep Breskens, publicatie nr. 7
Trektellingen in Nederland in 2013 (Jaarverslag
Nederlands, 28 pages, 3 MB
2014 -
Hustings F., Troost G. & Boele A.
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2014
Nederlands, 38 pages, 6 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2014 -
V. van der Spek, M Verrips, R. van der Vliet
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 5 oktober 2013
Nederlands, 24 pages, 1 MB
2014 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Start van de nazomertrek van Purperreigers uit het Groene Hart
Nederlands, 12 pages, 1 MB
Kinderdijk - Netherlands
2013 -
Jan van der Winden, Sander Elzerman, Peter van Horssen, Anthonie Stip, Adri Clements, Rogier Verbeek en Sander Terlouw - LIMOSA 86 (2013): 68-79
Terugblik op de (zichtbare) najaarstrek van 2012
Nederlands, 7 pages, 822 kB
2013 -
Emmanuel Desmet en Koen Leysen - Natuur.oriolus 79(3): 77-83
This article offers a chronological overview of the autumn migration over Flanders in 2012. Only the visible migration over land is discussed, not the nocturnal or marine migration.
Aankomst, doortrek en vertrek van de Huiszwaluw
Nederlands, 12 pages, 538 kB
2013 -
Rob Lensink, Gerard Troost & Jos Pilzecker - Vogeljaar 61(4-5):155-164 (2013)
Arrival, migration and departure of House
Martin Delichon urbicum in The Netherlands
in relation to global warming
Autumn passage of the European Honey-buzzard through southwestern Bohemia in 1999–2012
English, 10 pages, 2 MB
2013 -
Libor Schröpfer - Sylvia 49 / 2013
Autumn passage of the European Honey-buzzard
(Pernis apivorus) through southwestern Bohemia
in 1999–2012
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2013
Nederlands, 46 pages, 7 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2013 -
V. van der Spek, R. van der Vliet, M. Verrips
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 6 oktober 2012
Nederlands, 25 pages, 2 MB
2013 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Najaarstrek Buizerd via Denemarken
Nederlands, 7 pages, 212 kB
2012 -
Emmanuel Desmet - Natuur.oriolus 78(3): 85-91
Autumn migration of Buzzard via Denmark - On October 15th 2011 Flanders experienced for the second successive year a phenomenal migration peak of Buzzard Buteo buteo which pulverised the national record for this species (644 idividuals at count station Maatheide Kristallijn in Lommel (L)).
Uitzonderlijke roofvogeltrek over de Lage Landen
Nederlands, 8 pages, 318 kB
2012 -
Adri Clements - Natuur.oriolus 78(3): 77-84
Spectacular raptor migration over the Low Countries - about the enormous raptor migration of 13-17 October 2011
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2012
Nederlands, 54 pages, 4 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2012 -
V. van der Spek, R. van der Vliet, W. Bleumink, M. Verrips
Verslag van de Euro Birdwatch in Nederland op 2 oktober 2011
Nederlands, 22 pages, 1 MB
2012 -
Gert Ottens en Gerard Troost
Spectaculaire roofvogeltrek over de lage landen
Nederlands, 5 pages, 894 kB
2011 -
Adri Clements
Strong raptor migration over the "low countries" mid October 2011
Trektellen eerste terugkoppeling Euro Birdwatch 2011
Nederlands, 2 pages, 716 kB
2011 -
Gerard Troost
Short note about the results of Euro Birdwatch 2011. Mainly focused on the Netherlands
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2011
Nederlands, 38 pages, 4 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2011 -
V. van der Spek, W. Bleumink, M. Verrips
Buizerdtrek over Vlaanderen in najaar 2010
Nederlands, 9 pages, 492 kB
2011 -
Koen Leysen en Emmanuel Desmet - Natuur.oriolus 77(3): 99-107
Buzzard migration over Flanders in autumn 2010: Chronicle of a peak foretold
Gaaieninvasie najaar 2010
Nederlands, 1 page, 334 kB
2010 -
Rob Vogel & Gerard Troost - SOVON-Nieuws jaargang 23 (2010) nr 4
Gannet plumages types
English, 1 page, 632 kB
2010 -
C.J. Camphuysen
Immature Northern Gannet plumage types (adult excluded). The age classes are approximately 1.5 years apart.
Bruinvissen voor de kust bij Den Helder
Nederlands, 6 pages, 396 kB
Huisduinen (zeetrek) - Netherlands
2010 -
Kees Rebel - Sula
Kolganzen op de wieken voor sneeuw en vorst
Nederlands, 2 pages, 363 kB
2010 -
Fred Hustings, Arjan Boele & Gerard Troost - SOVON-Nieuws jaargang 23 (2010) nr 2
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2010
Nederlands, 30 pages, 1 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2010 -
V. van der Spek, W Bleumink & M Verrips
Toptrek boven de lage landen.
Nederlands, 9 pages, 3 MB
2009 -
Emmanuel Desmet en Wouter Faveyts - Natuur.oriolus 75(3): 73-78
Due to specific meteorological circumstances unusual numbers of raptors migrated on 13 & 14 September 2008 over the Netherlands and Flanders
Veranderingen in timing van zichtbare najaarstrek over Nederland
Nederlands, 11 pages, 478 kB
2009 -
Chris van Turnhout, Erik van Winden, Gerard Troost, Kees Koffijberg & Fred Hustings - LIMOSA 82: 68-78
Changes in the timing of visible bird migration in The Netherlands in autumn
Veranderingen in de najaarstrek van Huiszwaluw en Grote Gele Kwikstaart
Nederlands, 3 pages, 714 kB
2009 -
Fred Hustings, Arjan Boele & Gerard Troost - SOVON-Nieuws jaargang 22 (2009) nr 3
Visual observation of autumn raptor migration in southwestern Bohemia in 1996–2008
English, 12 pages, 1 MB
2009 -
Libor Schröpfer - Sylvia 45 / 2009
Autumn raptor migration was visually observed in the Radbuza river valley near Holýšov
and Horní Kamenice (Plzeň region, square no. 6444) in 1996–2008. The observations were
made irregularly in five-day periods between 14 August and 21 November and the observer
spent 1 020.5 hours in the field.
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2009
Nederlands, 34 pages, 2 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2009 -
V. van der Spek, W. Bleumink, M. Verrips
Vernieuwde handleiding voor het tellen van zichtbare landtrek
Nederlands, 8 pages, 115 kB
2008 -
Bas van Dijk - naar Rob Lensink et al, 1985
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2008
Nederlands, 22 pages, 2 MB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2008 -
V. van der Spek, M. Verrips
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2007
Nederlands, 21 pages, 860 kB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2007 -
V. van der Spek, M. Verrips
Vrs Meijendel Jaarverslag 2006
Nederlands, 12 pages, 509 kB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2006 -
V. van der Spek, M. Verrips
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2005
Nederlands, 15 pages, 864 kB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2005 -
M. Verrips, V. van der Spek
Vrs Meijendel Jaarverslag 2004
Nederlands, 15 pages, 914 kB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2004 -
M. Verrips, V. van der Spek
Vrs Meijendel jaarverslag 2003
Nederlands, 18 pages, 479 kB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2003 -
M. Verrips
Vrs Meijendel Jaarverslag 2002
Nederlands, 18 pages, 882 kB
VRS Meijendel (Wassenaar) - Netherlands
2002 -
M. Verrips
Nederlands, 2 pages, 2 MB
Breskens - Netherlands
1984 -
Thijs Kramer - Wantij (1) 1: 16-17
Veldkenmerken van trekkende vogels
Nederlands, 15 pages, 65 kB
1976 -
Gatter, W. - Die Vogelwelt 97 (6): 201-217
Dutch translation of Gatter, W. (1976) Feldkennzeichen ziehender Passeres
Gestuwde vogelvoorjaarstrek langs de kust
Nederlands, 6 pages, 2 MB
Breskens - Netherlands
1971 -
J.C. Wedts De Swart - De Levende Natuur 74 (9): 198-203 (1971)
De Vogeltrek op Vlieland van 14 Sept. tot 19 Okt. 1930
Nederlands, 24 pages, 1 MB
1934 -
W. H. VAN DOBBEN en G. F. MAKKINK - Ardea, XX 1931
Birdmigration over Vlieland between 14 september and 19 oktober 1930