Information - HWI - Commissary Ridge HawkWatch (WY)

Migration site

HWI - Commissary Ridge HawkWatch (WY)


Dave Oleyar, Jesse Watson Contacts

Web site

Last count 

2 November 2024

Observation hours

561:56 observation hours, 1 year

lat: 42.02472, lng: -110.58944


Each fall since 2002, HawkWatch International has counted every migrating raptor soaring past Commissary Ridge HawkWatch. After completing a survey of 26 locations across Wyoming, Commissary Ridge showed a higher overall volume and diversity of raptors and was by far the most accessible and logistically well-suited for a hawkwatch site. As the only standardized migration count site in the state—and much of the Rocky Mountain Flyway—the site provides invaluable data to our larger network of sites.

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