Information - HWI - Bonney Butte HawkWatch (OR)

Migration site

HWI - Bonney Butte HawkWatch (OR)


Dave Oleyar, Jesse Watson Contacts

Web site

Last count 

24 October 2024

Observation hours

401:04 observation hours, 1 year

lat: 45.26286, lng: -121.5931


Since 1994, crews of volunteers have watched thousands of raptors migrate past iconic Mt. Hood at the Bonney Butte HawkWatch. In partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, HawkWatch International conducts this long-term research to keep a critical pulse on the health of raptor populations and the broader environment in Oregon. As the only site of its kind in the Pacific Northwest, The Bonney Butte HawkWatch also provides an incredible opportunity to experience the magic of migration firsthand.

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